Contact Us
6489 Main St.
Gloucester, VA 23061
Phone: 804-693-1224
Fax: 804-824-2441
Email Planning & Zoning
Email Planning Staff
Email Site Plan Staff
Email Zoning Staff
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Department of Planning & Zoning is separated into the Planning Division and Zoning Division. Departmental staff also serve as staff to the County’s Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. Agendas, meeting minutes and other materials for Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals meetings are available through the County's Meeting portal. In addition, the Department of Planning & Zoning provides input on other areas, such as floodplain management, capital improvements, and recreational planning.

Citizen Comment Submission Form
Citizens are invited and encouraged to attend in person meetings of the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. If attendance in person is not possible, citizens are invited to engage and participate in meetings by submitting comments through out online form.
Comments may be submitted via this online form until 4:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting selected. Comments will be read aloud during that section of the meeting up to the set time limit. Comments submitted anonymously or with fictitious names will not be read. Your submission may be rejected by the system if it contains words or phrases that could be deemed spam or profane.
PLEASE NOTE: In keeping with the format for public meetings, comments may only be submitted once per person for each comment period/public hearing selected. If more than one comment is submitted per selection, only the last comment submission will be read.
Do not use this form for School Board meetings. Comments for School Board meetings may be made at the meeting or by calling 804-693-5842 beginning the Friday prior to each monthly meeting at 5 p.m. and ending the Monday prior to the meeting at 8 p.m. (Schedules may vary for work sessions but are listed on the agenda when published.)
Commercial Plan Development (Site Plans)
The Community Development office coordinates the Commercial Development Process through the application of County Ordinance Chapter 15.5. In general, this process coordinates the state and local code based requirements for development through a single submittal and review process. Contact the Community Development Coordinator with questions.
What is a site plan?
"A plan delineating the overall scheme of development of a tract of land, including but not limited to grading, engineering design, construction details, and survey data for existing and proposed improvements."
Site Plan Process Applicability
New Buildings - Commercial/Multi-family
A site plan application and approval is required.
Commercial/Multi-family Additions and Accessory Buildings on Commercially Zoned Property
Site Plan application and approval is required for commercial development or redevelopment in Gloucester that generates:
Greater than 2,500 square feet of ground disturbance
An increase in greater than 25 vehicle trips per day
Modifies or adds a new entrance to a public road
Significantly alters an established internal (parking area) vehicle circulation
Sec. 15.5-1.3. - When plan required, exceptions.
Single-family detached dwellings, two-family dwellings, accessory buildings to a single-family and a two-family dwelling or the land on which they are situated or proposed.
A subdivision for dwellings, mobile homes, or mobile home parks where a site development plan has been submitted and approved in accordance with the existing subdivision ordinance of the county.
Any agricultural, horticultural or silvicultural activity.
Site Plan Committee
The Site Plan Committee is comprised of representatives from each County department and State agency responsible for the review of commercial developments. The committee is available to meet with applicants twice a month to discuss potential development projects and discuss projects under review. The meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 3 p.m. and on the fourth Monday of each month at 8:30 a.m. Please Contact the Community Development Coordinator to request time on a meeting agenda.
To view the list of meeting dates and submittal deadlines please click on the following link: 2025 Site Plan Committee Meeting Dates (By Appointment Only) (PDF)
Not Sure How To Proceed? Utilize Our Pre-Application Process
A No Cost Pre-Application Form (PDF) can be used to request time on the agenda of a Site Plan Committee meeting for speculative interest. The Site Plan Committee will work with potential applicants to provide insight to assist with early input on concept approvability as well as assist with the development of initial Site Plan documents. The more detail provided at this conceptual stage, the better staff will be able to provide input and guidance. Meeting dates/times, and contact information are listed in the "Site Plan Committee" section above.
Site Plan Submittal Process
Either send a secure link with the electronic files or request a link from for electronic submission of all documents. The following are procedures for electronic submission of site plans:
Provide the site plan in a standard PDF format.
Ensure that the document is unlocked and not flattened.
Set the size of the document to standard 24x36.
Ensure that the plan is a multi-page document and no single page files.
On the cover page, include at least a 4 inch by 4 inch space in the upper right corner reserved for the County and VDOT approval stamps should the plans be approvable.
Submit the Site Plan Application (PDF) with the electronic files.
Submit the Site Plan Checklist (PDF) with the electronic files.
Submit the E&S Checklist (PDF) with the electronic files.
Submit the Stormwater Checklist (PDF) with the electronic files.
Submit the site plan application fee of $500 plus $50 per acre or fraction thereof.
Provide a narrative description of the existing site conditions and proposed project.
Submittal should also include Environmental Stormwater and items which include the following:
Submit a check for 50% of the VSMP permit fee.
Include the registration statement.
The fee for the Site Plan Application (PDF) is defined by ordinance and is $500 plus $50 for each acre of disturbance or fraction thereof. For example, a project disturbing 0.5 acres has an application fee of $550 ($500 + $50 x 1) while a project disturbing 2.8 acres has an application fee of $650 ($500 + $50 x 3).
Overview Of The Development Process-Beginning Stages To Project Completion
A generalized process flow diagram (PDF) can be found here showing the necessary steps from project conception to certificate of occupancy. Please contact the Community Development Coordinator with questions.
Project Completion & Certificate of Occupancy
The Community Development Coordinator will work with applicants/developers through the site development process and coordinate with each review agency to confirm that all work that applicant’s commit to complete as represented in their approved Site Plan is actually included at the development site. The final certificate of occupancy (CO) will be issued by the Building Official only after all work is confirmed completed or appropriate financial sureties are in place to secure eventual completion in accordance with County ordinance.
Solar Energy Facilities & Electric Power Utilities
The Gloucester County Zoning Ordinance (Appendix B of the County Code) regulates solar energy facilities and electric power utilities based on type of use and size of the facility. For specific classifications and regulations of these uses, see the definitions section of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 2-2 of Appendix B) and the district regulations within the Zoning Ordinance (Section 5-2 of Appendix B). In addition, Section 9-28 of the Zoning Ordinance provides supplemental regulations for certain types of solar energy facilities.
History of Zoning Regulation of Solar Energy Facilities
The Zoning Ordinance has been revised several times since its initial adoption of a solar ordinance in 2015. Utility-scale solar energy facilities were initially permitted by Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in all districts except the RC-1 district (where it was permitted as a by-right use). Subsequent amendments to the solar ordinance have resulted in these facilities being permitted only in the SC-1 and RC-1 district by CUP with a maximum of 2% of the acreage of each of these districts permitted to be used for solar energy facilities. In addition, these subsequent amendments have established additional standards for utility-scale, community-scale, and large-scale facilities, such as site plan and decommissioning plan requirements (including sureties), setbacks, buffering requirements, and supplemental CUP application requirements. The table below provides a breakdown of the total acreage permitted in each district and the remaining acreage available for solar development.
Zoning District Limitations for Solar Facilities
SC-1 (Suburban Countryside) | 44,145 | 2% | 882.9 | 101.16 | 0.23% | 781.74 |
RC-1 (Rural Countryside) | 50,356 | 2% | 1,007.12 | 1,235.75 | 2.45% | 0 |
Note: This table lists the regulations for community-scale and utility-scale solar energy facilities. These uses are only permitted by CUP in the SC-1 and RC-1 districts.
Source: Gloucester County Department of Planning, Zoning, & Environmental Programs
Unlike the aforementioned solar energy facilities, small-scale, private solar energy facilities (producing 25 kW or less) are permitted by-right in all zoning districts. These structures are typically established as accessory, roof-mounted residential structures or adjacent structures to residences and often serve the uses on the lot they are located. Supplemental regulations are provided for small-scale, private solar energy facilities in Section 9-28(2) of the Zoning Ordinance.
Since initial adoption of a solar ordinance, the Board of Supervisors has approved four utility-scale solar energy facilities through the CUP process: the Gloucester Solar Electric Power Plant (2017), Winterberry Solar facility (2020), Cow Creek Solar facility (2020), and Camellia Solar facility (2021). In addition, prior to requiring a CUP for utility-scale solar energy facilities in the RC-1 district, the Carver’s Creek Solar facility received preliminary site plan approval as a by-right use in this district in 2020. This preliminary site plan approval and subsequent final site plan approvals have established the right for this facility to be developed in this district.
History of Zoning Regulation of Electric Power Utilities
In 2021, due to increased interest in battery energy storage facilities, the Zoning Ordinance was amended to revise the definition of “uses required for the provision and maintenance of public utilities” to create “electric power utilities” as a use separate from this broader use. As part of this amendment, these facilities are permitted by CUP in all districts.
Since this amendment, the Board of Supervisors has approved one electric power utility, a battery energy storage facility. This facility, referred to as the “Nursery Lane Battery Storage” facility, is located adjacent to the Winterberry Solar facility and is proposed to be developed by Strata Solar, the same developer as the Winterberry Solar facility.
Approved Solar Energy Facilities & Electric Power Utilities
Gloucester Solar Electric Power Plant | Utility-Scale Solar | 20 | RC-2 | 2017 |
Carver’s Creek Solar | Utility-Scale Solar | 150 | RC-1 | 2020 |
Winterberry Solar | Utility-Scale Solar | 20 | SC-1 | 2020 |
Cow Creek Solar | Utility-Scale Solar | 2 | SC-1 | 2020 |
Camellia Solar | Utility-Scale Solar | 20 | C-2 | 2021 |
Nursery Lane Battery Storage | Electric Power Utility | 19 | I-1 | 2021 |
Note: Some projects listed in this table were permitted prior to the solar ordinance being amended in 2021 to limit community-scale and utility-scale solar energy facilities by CUP only in the SC-1 and RC-1 districts.
Source: Gloucester County Department of Planning, Zoning, & Environmental Programs
Section 15.2-2232 Review
The Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2232 requires that the Planning Commission review public service corporations and public utilities for being “substantially in accord with the adopted comprehensive plan”. Furthermore, the Commission is to consider the “general or approximate location, character and extent” of the use when performing this review.
Since solar energy facilities and electric power utilities fall under these classifications, the Commission is required to review these uses under this code section. In 2018, the Planning Commission confirmed that the Gloucester Solar Electric Power Plant met this requirement. Subsequent resolutions approving CUP applications for solar energy facilities and electric power utilities have contained language reflecting Section 15.2-2232 and, therefore, confirmed that these uses satisfied this requirement. Furthermore, Carver’s Creek Solar facility was determined to be substantially in accord with the adopted comprehensive plan due to its by-right zoning status at the time of preliminary plan approval.
Due to the Planning Commission’s concern that the Comprehensive Plan offered limited guidance for the Section 15.2-2232 review, the Comprehensive Plan was amended in 2022 to add Appendix J, which established evaluation criteria for all uses classified as “public service corporations” and “public utilities”, including solar energy facilities and electric power utilities. These criteria were developed for the Commission to use during Section 15.2-2232 reviews and fall under three categories: criteria for zoning district and/or future land use types, general criteria for all uses, and criteria for specific uses.
Solar & Battery Storage Facility Approvals
Solar Facilities, Battery Storage Facilities & Zoning
A permit application number from the Planning & Zoning department is required prior to paying any fees. Please contact the Planning & Zoning department at 804-693-1224 or email for questions about planning applications and payments and for questions about zoning applications and payments. Fees can be paid either in person at the Treasurer’s office or online through the Treasurer's payment options webpage.
Administrative Review Fees
Administrative Variance - $275
Boundary Line Adjustment/Vacation - $50
Commercial Site Plan - $500, plus $50 per acre of disturbance or fraction thereof
Division Of Estate - $100
Family Transfers - $100 per transfer
Final Major Subdivision - $100
In Part Parcel Subdivision - $50
Minor Subdivision - $100
Residential Development Plan - $500, plus $50 per acre of disturbance or fraction thereof
Zoning Permit for Signs - $50
Zoning Permit (All Others) - $35
Administrative reviews are performed by Planning & Zoning staff in accordance with the Subdivision and/or Zoning Ordinances. Review of Commercial Site Plans and Residential Development Plans are coordinated through the County's Community Development Process and an additional fee may apply for the Erosion and Sediment Control component of these plans in accordance with the fee structure for Environmental Programs.
Planning Commission (PC) Review Fees
Conditional Use Permit - $1000
Preliminary Plats for Major Subdivisions (PC review only) - $100 per plat, plus $10 per lot
Proffer Amendment - $300
Rezoning - $1200, plus $10 per acre or fraction thereof
The Planning Commission (PC) acts as an advisory body to the County's Board of Supervisors. The PC reviews applications in accordance with the Subdivision and/or Zoning Ordinances and, after receiving public comments, makes a recommendation to the Board, who approves or denies the application.
Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) Review Fees
Appeal To BZA - $275
Special Exception - $275
Variance - $275
In public hearings, the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) acts in a legislative capacity by reviewing, hearing, and deciding on Special Exception applications in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. The BZA acts in a judicial capacity by reviewing, hearing, and deciding on applications for Variances from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The Board of Zoning Appeals also hears and decides Appeals of orders, requirements, decisions, or determinations made by the Zoning Administrator in administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance.
Forms & Policies
All applications for Conditional Use Permits, Rezonings, or Special Exceptions require a Preapplication Meeting with Planning & Zoning staff prior to application submittal. The Preapplication Meeting Request Form is found under the applications section for each division. The department can be contacted at 804-693-1224 or emailed at for questions about planning applications and for questions about zoning applications.
Planning Applications
Conditional Use Permit Application (Pre-Application Meeting Required) (PDF)
Transitional Homes Conditional Use Permit Application (Pre-Application Meeting Required) (PDF)
Zoning Applications
Special Exception Application (Pre-Application Meeting Required) (PDF)
Zoning Permit Application For Construction/Modification/Change of Use (PDF)
Zoning Permit Application for Farmers’ Market or Farm Produce Stand (PDF)
Planning Documents
Zoning Documents
Planning Policies
Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance Policy on Notes Required for Plats (PDF)
Major Subdivision Documentation for Family Transfers Policy (PDF)
Private Road Requirements for Non-Residential Lot Policy (PDF)
Virginia Department of Health Documentation Requirements (PDF)