How can I get the truck to leave the state road and come onto my property?

If your home is more than 150 feet from a state road, you may fill out and sign a Mosquito Control Release Form (PDF) to give us permission to drive onto your property. Even though you may have filled out a form in a prior year, we will need your permission on a current year’s form every year.  Forms will be distributed by Mosquito Control Drivers in the spring when the forms become available, and forms will be posted on this website.

How often does the truck come around?

During the peak summer mosquito control season, when mosquito control districts may need adulticide fogging, it takes one week for the two trucks to complete the entire route, weather permitting. Landing counts are done at several sites along the driver’s routes and when the counts warrant spraying then the driver will initiate the spraying of adulticide. The fogging can't be done in rainy or windy conditions.

Where can I call to report a problem?

Call 804-693-6269 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., our regular office hours or email If you call after hours, please leave a voicemail so that we can return your call.

Why do I have to pay the mosquito control tax on my property when there is no house on it?

All parcels within mosquito control districts are assessed the mosquito control tax, no matter whether they are improved parcels or not.

What kind of credentials does the Gloucester mosquito control staff have?

Staff has completed training approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia, and they hold certifications and licenses from the State (Pesticide Applicator or Pesticide Technician).

How are mosquito control districts established?

The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors receives a request, usually in the form of a petition, from residents requesting the formation of or inclusion in an existing Mosquito Control District. Next, the Board holds a public hearing to receive comments from individuals, and it also considers data such as the proximity of the proposal area to existing control districts, the availability of equipment and staff to serve the proposal area, and the cost of serving the proposal area. A petition form has been developed to assist the Board in evaluating such requests, and you may obtain it online (PDF).

How can I learn more about mosquito species and mosquito control?

The Virginia Department of Health's website has a 57-slide presentation that provides a wealth of information written in layman's terms.

How can I find out where mosquito fogging is taking place on a given evening?

During active mosquito control season, usually April through October when staff is conducting adulticide fogging, you may send an email to for information or call the office at 804-693-6269 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.